This NOS 1973 Aermacchi Harley-Davidson TX-125 still has no oil in the motor.

This NOS 1973 Aermacchi Harley-Davidson TX-125 still has no oil in the motor.
Here is a rare SST -350,which were not sold in the USA. Note front disc brake.
Another barn find for Stan in Texas. This is a 1966 H. It had just 1000 miles on it. It is original down to the tires. The motor needed no work, even after sitting for 30 years.
Rich, a former Harley dealer in the San Diego area, just finished this cycle. It’s a 1971 MLS 125 Rapido. Many NOS parts were used. eturauhasen virtsaputken krooninen kouristus, joka saa 100 mg:n sildenafiilin (sitraatti) annostus Suomesta nettiapteekistamme tilatessasi virtsan virtaamaan virtsaputkesta eturauhaseen ja häiritsee eturauhasen ja siemennesteen rakkuloiden normaalia tyhjenemistä;
Steve in Oklahoma City did this 1966 H model. Just like the original down to the mud flap.